Monday, September 15, 2008

ER Exursion...

Last night was quite the fun. Ok, so not really. Steven has been coughing a lot lately, but last night was the worse. And he had difficulty breathing. We weren't sure if it was pneumonia or bronchitis, but to the fact that he had to consciously breathe all night we were debating whether or not to go to the Emergency Room or not. Finally at 1:00 we went. We got admitted in and the head nurse was very nice. He did all the necessary stuff and then after he left...the doctor came in around...1:45-2:00...did the exact same thing the nurse did and then left. at 2:30 he came back in and said that he is just going to have us wait for the next doctor that was going to take his shift. Which was at waited some more.... After all of that the x-ray nurse was up in the NICU and didn't come down until 4:00. Then the doctor came in and said that Steven had bronchitis and was sending him home with 3 medications. In the mean while with all of this waiting Dallin woke up at 2:00 and didn't go back down until 3:50! Needless to say I had quite the fun tending to my two boys...I got some cute pictures though of Dallin trying to entertain himself. (That will be on his blog) So anyways....that's the latest...Steve is now sick in bed and more drowsy then all get out. And Dallin has had a rough day today, but we finally went out for a little while to give Steven some peace and quiet. On the way home he fell asleep so now I get peace and quiet. :-) So Nice!!!


Leanne said...

Hey-it's Leanne, Marci's sister-in-law. I'm glad you guys caught it before it got too bad though. your little Dallin is adorable!!

akagi79 said...

Aileen!!!I am soo sorry. Chad and I have spent many a night in the ER! We so understand. I hope Steven is feeling better!

Unknown said...

Steven got three medications and is doing wonderful!! :-) Poor guy though the way the school is set up he could only stay home for 2 days and then also his job had him stay way late! So school from 8-1:30 then work 2-11. That crazy kid!!